Friday, June 17, 2005

Happy Birthday, Adam!

Adam is 2 today! It has been quite an uneventful day for the little man actually. We had already celebrated his birthday with a party on Saturday. He remembers his cake with trucks on them and said he liked the cake. That he remembers and that he said he likes the cake and has made all the hard work worthwhile :o)

Laura had to skip school today 'coz she was complaining that her throat hurt when she swallows. Took her to see her paed and met a lovely lady with her two sons in the waiting room. Deola is from Nigeria and was here for a holiday. Her husband has been posted to Labuan, so she foresees that she will be spending a lot of time commuting between Labuan and KL with her sons. I will love to see her again and for our children to play together. Her sons are aged 3 years and 3 months. Beautiful children!

Then Laura and I went to the GE Mall for lunch. I had my fix of wasabi chips from O'Brien's. The wasabi chips is about the best thing there really. The sandwiches was not bad but I don't think I'm in a hurry to go back there for their sandwiches. We were stopped by a fund raiser from WWF. Now I'm a proud contributor to WWF's causes! Yup, one born every minute... Hahahaha!

Now I'm going to take the children downstairs to play badminton. Found them a couple of kid size rackets which is short enough for little people.


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