Thursday, December 21, 2006

Introducing.... My Big Family!

Photo of Big Family members, Dec 2006

From the 9 siblings featured in my previous post, the family has grown to what you can see in the above photo. It is almost the entire family, except for my cousin brother and family in California and a cousin sister in Cincinnati who couldn't come back for the family reunion. The youngest was my nephew who is 8 months old and the oldest was my Jee Kor (2nd aunt) who is 74 years old.

We had a blast at the reunion. I love watching twenty children playing together, albeit in different groups. We listened to my Jee Kor tell stories about her childhood, which of course involved my father. My father and his siblings grew up with some of their cousins (23 of them!) in Kampar. Jee Kor told about their experience during the Japanese Occupation, when they had to hide away from the Japanese.

I shall definitely write a more detailed post when I'm not such a scatterbrain, trying to get myself organised for Christmas!

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