Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Please tell me why!

This is a common sight in front of post offices. I took this photo outside the post office in KLCC. I've seen the same sign on the post office in Ampang Point. Can anyone please tell me or better still email me a photo of a machine that works?

Another thing, what comes to mind when you know that a post office is situated in a shopping centre? That the post office will be opened beyond office hours and also on weekends right? WRONG! The post office in KLCC is opened during office hours and weekdays only. So what's the point of the post office being in a shopping centre then?

I spotted this on a notice board in a school. I think putting up the newspaper cutting was to educate their student on sexual abuse. Or from the headline, warn the children of genocide!

Literal translation:
children to be exterminated


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