Monday, May 11, 2009

Fragility of Life

I took some time off today to be a mall rat. A rare chance to wonder about aimlessly. Just as I was heading towards a Geox shoe shop, I heard someone calling "Ms Chan"! Didn't think anything of it. Can be anyone lah. Then I see this guy with long hair walking towards me. OMG, blast from the past! An ex-boyfriend whom I bump into once every few years. Guess it's been a few years since we've bumped into each other.

It was good to catch up a bit on what's been happening in our lives. I was shocked to hear he'd lost his younger sister to cancer about 10 days ago. She was only 38. A rude reminder to us not to take anything or anyone for granted. Not to take our health for granted too.

As a family, we make a point to have dinner together unless PT or I are not in town or we have made dinner plans. That's when we sit and chat. This is the time we hear little gems from the children. Today, I started telling my family that I bumped into an old friend but stop short when it came to telling them about my friend losing his sister at a young age. Both my kids are at ages when they question mortality. They're afraid of losing their parents to illnesses and they're asking questions about dying and heaven and hell. They're afraid not to be able to see their papa and mama again. Whenever Laura asks if she will lose either her papa or mama any time soon, I have been telling her we do not know for sure when we will go but I promise to work hard at keeping healthy so hopefully we won't be "going" any time soon. I will not be able to explain to her why someone who is younger than me has gotten ill and died.

Words cannot describe how sad I am for you and your mom, Y, for your loss.

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Anonymous a&a'smom said...

So true! In my house, we all have our lunch & dinner together daily. Yup, health is extremely important & that's why my daily worjouts are really important tot me.

12:18 pm  
Blogger Emily aka Luscious LoLa said...

our reminders to keep health as priority not just for you but for your family too.
hitting the treadmills more lately
how's the cross trainer regime going girl? =)

12:36 am  

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